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Schemes and Programmes Pavala Vaddi Interest subsidy scheme was started during the year 2004-05 with an objective of providing interest subsidy on the loans taken by the Self Help Groups. The scheme is applicable to all loans extended by banks on or after 1st July 2004, under SHG Bank Linkage Programme. The incentive will be in the form of reimbursement of interest whatever is above 3% interest irrespective of bank interest rates. The subsidy shall not include penal interest, liquidated damages etc., paid to the bank. An amount of Rs. 1000.00 lakhs is allocated in the budget and the amount has been released during the current year. During the year 2005- 06, an amount of Rs. 8900.00 lakhs is being proposed towards interest subsidy on the loans taken by SHGs under SHG Linkage programme.
For more information click on http://rd.ap.gov.in/
National Old Age Pension Scheme The government of India has the National Old Age Pension Scheme as one of the sub-schemes of National Social Assistance Program. The scheme has come in to existence with effect from 15th August 1995. It aims to provide social assistance to the poor people in a house-hold who is above the 65 years of age as old age pension.
Eligibility for NOAP Scheme The applicant should be 65 years of age or higher. The applicant must be a destitute in the sense of having little or no regular means of subsistence from own sources of income or through financial support from family members or other sources.
Rate of Assistance The amount of old age pension is Rs. 200/- per month.
Selection of the beneficiary Every eligible person may apply for the pension in the prescribed Form OAP-1 and submit the same through Gram Panchayat or Municipality as the case may be and obtain acknowledgement. Application forms can be obtained from local Mandal Parishad Office or Municipality at free of cost.
For more information click on http://rd.ap.gov.in/SHG(Self Help Group) Bank Linkage Self Help movement through savings has been taken up as a mass movement by women. There are about 5.79 lakh women SHGs in Andhra Pradesh covering nearly 74.58 lakh rural poor women. The SHGs are not only resorting but are also taking small loans out of the corpus available with the group. An amount of Rs. 2385.98 crores is mobilized as corpus among these groups. The state government has taken several initiatives to extend financial support to these groups which are mentioned hereunder.
Self sustaining movement The members of SHGs are poor with low or nil saving capacity, and who depend on moneylenders or private sources to meet their expenditure and other obligations. During the group meetings, the thrift amount is pooled and given as loans to members for utilization, production or investment purposes based on the priorities determined by the group. The group members keeping in view the interests and prosperity of the member take a collective decision regarding all matters. These groups play the role of a mid-wife or money lender.
Since it is members thrift that is given out as loans to one or two members at each meeting depending upon the priorities as set by the group, members exercise close supervision on utilization of loans. Peer pressure is exerted on members to continue savings to enable every member to have an opportunity to avail loans. Prompt repayment of loans is insisted by the remaining members to avail themselves loans of higher order. As a result, at any given point of time all members in a SHG will not be borrowers. Even if all of them are borrowers, their loans outstanding will not be equal. Several interesting features have been observed in the financial dynamics of groups where there is evidence in qualitative shift in loans portfolio in favour of productive purposes as against consumption loans availed earlier. So is the case with the size of loan.
Swarnajayanti Grama Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) Poverty eradication through self help GroupsSwarnajayanthi Gram Sswarozgar Yojana Scheme is a holistic approach towards poverty eradication in rural India through creation of self-employment opportunities to the rural Swarozgaries. This scheme is implemented in the country through District Rural Development Agencies. The Centre and State fund this program in the ratio of 75:25. It is designed to help poor rural families cross the poverty line. This is achieved through providing income generating assets and inputs to the target groups through a package of assistance consisting of subsidy and bank loan.
Objectives SGSY came into existence in 1999-2000 duly merging the schemes of Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP), Training for Rural Youth under Self Employment (TRYSEM) Development of Women & Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA) and Supply of Improved Toolkits to Rural Artisans (SITRA).
The scheme aims to bring every assisted poor family above the poverty line by ensuring appreciably sustainable level of income over a period of time. This objective is to be achieved by organizing the rural poor in to Self Help Groups (SHG) through the process of social mobilization, their training and capacity building,and provision of income generating assets.
1. Training 2. Infrastructure 3. Revolving fund to SHGs 4. Subsidy for Economic Activity
However,based on the local requirement, the expenditure on different components of Training and Capacity Building, Revolving fund and subsidy for Economic activity may have to be prioritized.
Girl Child Protection Scheme (GCPS) The new Girl Child Protection Scheme with insurance coverage from 1-4-05 is issued vide G.O.Ms.No.16, Dt: 05-05-2005 Women Development, Child Welfare and Disabled Welfare (JJ) Department.
Objectives of the Scheme: -
To eliminate prejudice against the girl child through direct investment from the Government. To encourage enrolment of the girl child in school and to ensure her education at least up to the Intermediate level. To encourage girls to get married only after the age of 18 years (which is the prescribed statutory limit). To reduce school drop out rate among the girls. To encourage parents to adopt family planning norms with two girl children. To provide social and financial empowerment to the girl child. Eliminate all forms of discrimination against the girl child. Eliminate negative cultural attitudes and practices against girls. Promote and protect the rights of the girl child and increase awareness of her needs and potential. Eliminate discrimination against girls in education and provide skill development and training. Eliminate discrimination against girls in health and nutrition. Strengthen the role of the family in improving the status of the girl child. For more information click on http://anganwadi.ap.nic.in
INITIATIVES FOR WOMEN EMPOWERMENT Empowerment of women is the hall mark of the approach of the Government in its development initiatives (social, political and economic). The State Empowerment Policy for women aims at the following objectives:-
- Gender equality- Gender justice- Social security- Elimination of discrimination against women in all walks of life- Economic development and integration of women into main stream of economy.
As a token of state’s commitment to remove all barriers in the way of women’s participation in the main stream of development, the State Govt. declared 1997 as the year of ‘Gender Equality with Social Justice’. Steps have been taken to provide specific provisions for women towards equality in all fields, political, social, economic and cultural.
The Department is playing a conscious role in empowering of women by striving to enforce:
The reservation of 33 1/3rd Jobs for women in Govt. and public sector with carry forward policy. The 33 1/3rd of budget of all departments for developmental programmes for women. Implementation of Girl Child Protection Scheme. Opportunities to participate through mother’s committees and IGA groups. The year 2001 has celebrated as ‘Year of Women Empowerment and the year 2003 as the Year of Adolescent Girls’. For more information click on http://anganwadi.ap.nic.in
Major Schemes and Programs under Tribal Welfare Department
1. Direction and administration (2225-02-001-SH-01):
Headquarters Office:The headquarters office is headed by Commissioner, Tribal Welfare assisted by Joint Directors, Dy. Directors, Asst. Directors, Accounts Officer and other officers. The Commissioner is the chief controlling officer of the budget of the department. He approves the annual action plans, releases budget to all the unit offices, supervises the programs and reviews performance onaperiodical basis. Joint Director, Administration is the Vigilance Officer and also the Public Information Officer of the Department. The officers of the headquarters office are also appointed as liaison officers to districts offices/ITDAs for regular inspection and visits. The internal audit wing of the headquarters office takes up internal audit of the unit offices. Apart from the internal audit wing the services of Institute of Public Auditors (IPA), Hyderabad also being utilized for internal audit of the ITDAs.
District Offices (2225-02-001-SH-03): The district offices include (10) ITDAs, (2) MADA Project Offices, (23) District Tribal Welfare Offices, (65) Assistant Tribal Welfare Offices and Assistant Project Officer, Mahadevpur and Mahabubabad. Government have also sanctioned (8) Special Deputy Collectors for Tribal Welfare to enforce the protective regulations, especially A Scheduled Areas Land Transfer Regulations, 1959 as amended by 1970, 1971 and 1978. In scheduled areas under LTR so far (73,359) cases involving an extent of (3, 27,036) Acs., have been detected. Out of them (71,769) cases were disposed off involving an extent of (3, 20,494) Acs. Out them (34,346) cases were decided in favor of STs covering an area of (1, 37,097) Acs. Out of the extent, an area of (1,19,147) Acs. was restored to tribals in (29,769) cases.
TW Engineering Department Headquarters Office and other Offices (2225-02-MH-001-SH-04 and SH-05): Tribal Welfare Engineering wing was created in 1984 for executing road works, educational buildings and drinking water works and other works as entrusted by Government from time to time in tribal areas. The Tribal Welfare Engineering Department consists of (1) Chief Engineer and (1) QC division at State level and (3) Superintendent Engineers at circle level and (9) Executive Engineers at divisional level supported by sub-divisional engineers and section officers. The execution of works is taken up as per G.O.Ms.No.30, dated 17-02-1994, G.O.Ms.No.90, dated 21-08-1998 and G.O.Ms.No.65,dated 03-07-1999.
Educational Institutions (2225-02-MH-277-SH-05): The major program under the Department is maintenance of Educational Institutions. The components of the scheme are briefly discussed hereunder
Hostels: There are (441) hostels (332 for Boys and 109 for Girls) with a strength of (75,258) boarders. Accommodation and boarding are provided to the children at free of cost. Other material required for the children and also for the institution are being provided as per the pattern prescribed under G.O.Ms.No.75, SW (TW.Bud.I) Department, dated 19-07-1999.
Integrated Hostels:From 2006-07 onwards Government of Andhra Pradesh has started Integrated hostels. Out of (120) hostels sanctioned during 2006-07 (14) hostels have been entrusted to Tribal Welfare for management. During 2007-08 it is proposed to start (240) hostels out of which (28) will be entrusted to Tribal Welfare for management. Each of the Integrated Welfare Hostel Complexes will provide accommodation for (400) boarders belonging to SC, ST & BC. For each complex buildings and other amenities arebeing provided adequately.
Ashram Schools:There are (599) ashram schools (451 for Boys and 148 for Girls) functioning in the tribal concentrated areas. The schools provide both school and hostel under the same roof. There are (99) ashram primary schools, (209) Ashram Upper Primary Schools, (291) Ashram High Schools functioning providing schooling and hostelling to (1,40,611) children. During 2007-08 it is proposed to provide teachers to all the upgraded Upper Primary Schools and High Schools.
Post Matric Hostels:(65) hostels have been opened to facilitate ST college students with free accommodation and the utility charges are borne by the Department. It is proposed to open (50) more hostels during current year. The students staying in these hostels receive post matric scholarships @ Rs.525/- per month.
TW Primary Schools:There are (4,317) Tribal Welfare Primary Schools (earlier known as GVVKs) functioning in the tribal areas. Out of them (940) schools are being run under this scheme and remaining are funded by School Education Department.
Coaching and Allied:Coaching is provided to tribal children for competitive examinations through (5) Pre-Examination Training Centers (PETCs). Part of the coaching cost is provided by Government of India under ‘Coaching and Allied’ Scheme.
Post Matric Scholarships (2225-02-MH-277-SH-08):The objective of the scheme is to provide scholarships to ST students studying postmatriculation or post-secondary stage to enable them to complete their education and also to provide books to ST students studying Professional Courses under Book Banks Scheme. The sanction and disbursement of post matric scholarships to ST students is as per the procedure laid down under G.O.Ms.No.90, SW (Edn.II) Department, dated 30-07-2002. Since 2007-08 is the beginning of the XI Five Year Plan, the entire expenditure on the scheme at the end of X Five Year Plan (2006-07) has become the committed liability of State Government. The allocations during 2007-08 have been proposed accordingly.
Pre Matric Scholarships (2225-02-MH-277-SH-010):Under pre matric scholarships bright ST children are identified and provided opportunity to receive quality education in reputed institutions and institutions of excellence. The various components are as follows:
Best Available Schools:Bright children among STs are selected by District Selection Committee under the Chairmanship of Collector in each district and the selected ST children are being admitted in the Best Available Schools. During 2001-02, Governmenthave issued revised guidelines vide G.O.Ms.No.70, Social Welfare (TW.Edn.II)Department, dated 1-8-2001. Government have decided that from 2006-07 whatever the additional seats are going to be sanctioned shall be earmarked 100% for PTGs.
Hyderabad Public Schools:The Department is sponsoring ST children for admission into Hyderabad Public Schools, Begumpet and Ramantapur and R.K. Vidyalaya, Sainkpuri, as per G.O.Ms.No.421, Education (SW) Department, dated 25-02-1966. Apart from thesponsored candidates, Department is also sanctioning scholarship to all eligible ST candidates admitted in the Hyderabad Public Schools as per G.O.Rt.No.329, SW (Q) Dept., dated 21-05-1993. The Department is also maintaining (2) hostels for the ST dayscholars studying in the Public schools.
English Medium Schools for STs:Government have started (4) English Medium Residential Schools for Boys during 2002-03 at Hyderabad, Warangal, Tirupathi and Visakhapatnam.
Schools of Excellence:Government have started (3) Schools of Excellence at Parvathipuram, Bhadrachalam and Srisailam during 2005-06 with a long term objective of preparing the students for IIT and competitive exams. During 2007-08 it is proposed to re-designate the existing (4) English medium schools also as Schools of Excellence and to start another (4) Schools of Excellence for PTGs to enable them to get qualified to compete for admission into professional courses.
College of Teacher Education (TW), Bhadrachalam (2225-02-MH-277-SH-13):
A college of teacher education (TW) was started at Bhadrachalam to provide B.Ed. training to the STs of Andhra Pradesh in 2000. The college has an intake capacity of (100) per year and the training is being imparted as per NCTE norms. The college is also providing distance mode training to in-service teachers. This College is also functoning as a study centre of IGNOU for B.Ed courses through distance mode.
Residential Schools for tribals (2225-02-MH-277-SH-12) and Construction of buildings for School Complexes (4225-02-MH-277-SH-75):With a view to impart quality education to ST students, Government is maintaining (84) residential institutions with a strength of (52,404). A separate Society in the name of AP TW Residential Educational Institutions Society (Gurukulam) was established in 1999 for managing these institutions. Out of (84) institutions (52) are for boys and (26) for girls and (6) Co-ed. There are (10) institutions exclusively for PTGs and (2) for Yanadis. Out of (84) institutions (38) are having Jr. College sections and Government have permitted to bifurcate them in 2006-07. Apart from this (6) full fledged Jr. Colleges are functioning. Gurukulam is also managing (41) Educational Complexes in female low literacy pockets (Mini-Gurukulams) sanctioned by Government of India and (40) Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidayalayas (KGBVs) sanctioned by MHRD, Government of India for ST drop-out girls. The institutions have achieved (88.38%) pass in SSC and (64.85%) in Intermediate in 2006. Gurukulam is also providing special attention towards scouting, computer education, yoga, physical education, cultural activities and EAMCET coaching. Gurukulam is now proposing to intensify monitoring on the quality of curricular practice by taking up panel inspections of academic practice every quarter and also to strengthencareer guidance counseling. It is also proposed to provide adequate infrastructure to all the residential institutions during 2007-08.
Residential Schools for Girls in RIAD areas (2225-02-MH-277- SH-13) and Construction of Residential Jr. Colleges for Girls in RIAD areas (4225-02-MH-277- SH-79):
This is a new scheme intended to provide quality education to ST girl students through residential junior colleges in the uncovered areas by opening (6) Residential Jr. Colleges at P.Konalavalasa, Chintapalli, Rampachodavaram, Eturunagaram, Utnoor and Mannanur and also to provide buildings for all the proposed (6) institutions to accommodate (960)girls in 1st year Intermediate.
Hostel Buildings for (8) Degree Colleges in RIAD areas (4225-02-MH-277-GH-11-SH-77):
The scheme is intended to provide hostel buildings for post-matric ST students studying in (8) degree colleges in the RIAD areas. Each degree college will have (1) boys hostels and (1) girls hostel. Children admitted in the hostels will receive maintenance charges @ of Rs.525/- p.m. under post matric scholarships.
Construction of High Schools in RIAD areas (4225-02-MH-277-GH-07-SH-74):
The scheme is intended to provide additional accommodation to high schools especially TW Girls Ashram High Schools located in the RIAD areas.
Buildings for Educational Institutions (4225-02-MH-277-GH-06-SH-74) and (4225-02-MH-277-GH-10-SH-74):
The objective of the scheme is construction of buildings (new/additional accommodation) to Integrated Hostels, Post Matric Hostels and Ashram Schools which are in private accommodation. The funding is shared by Government of India on 50:50 basis.
Public Works (12th Finance Commission Grants) (2059-01-MH-053-SH-64):
The objective of the scheme is to provide annual maintenance support to hostel buildings.
Financial assistance to PSUs (2225-02-MH-190-SH-05 and GH-10-SH-04 and GH-11-SH-04 and 6225-02-MH-190-GH-11-SH-08):
There are (4) PSUs functioning under the control of Tribal Welfare Department. Their activities are explained briefly hereunder:
Girijan Co-operative Corporation (GCC), started in 1956, has its headquarters at Visakhapatnam and undertakes procurement of minor forest produce (MFP) and agriculture produce from tribals at remunerative prices, undertakes public distribution in remote tribal areas, provides seasonal agricultural credit to ST farmers. The GCC is having (1,408) employees with a network of (1) regional office, (10) divisional offices, (43) GPCMS and (839) DR depots. During 2005-06 the turnover of the Corporation was Rs.194.49 cr. During 2006-07 (upto 31-12-2006) the turnover is Rs.153.44 cr. The GCC in recent years has focused on (10) major MFP species and expanded retail marketing aggressively from a sale of Rs.1.50 cr. in 2000-01 to Rs.8.41 cr. in 2005-06. GCC is alsofocusing on training to tribals, regeneration of NTFP, R&D initiatives and exporting.
For more information click on www.aptribes.gov.in
Facilitate increased access and utilization of quality health services by all Forge a partnership between the Central, State and the local governments. Set up a platform for involving the Panchayati Raj Institutions and community in the management of primary health care programs and infrastructure. Establish a mechanism to provide flexibility to the States and the community to promote local initiatives. Develop a framework for promoting inter-sectoral convergence for promotive and preventive health care. 2. Objectives of the Mission
Reduction of Infant Mortality Rate, Maternal Mortality Rate, and Total Fertility Rate. Access to integrated comprehensive primary health care. Prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases, including locally endemic diseases. Achieve population stabilization, gender and demographic balance. Revitalize local health traditions and mainstreaming AYUSH Promotion of healthy life styles. 3. Expected outcomes from the Mission
Indicator NRHM by 2012 Present status AP target India AP IMR (per 1000 live births) 30 57* 53* 30 MMR (per 1,00,000 live births) 100 466** 341** 100 TFR (children per women) 2.1 2.7* 1.8* 1.5
* NFHS-III (2005-06) ** IIHFW Annual report (2002-03)
Tuberculosis DOTS services – 85% cure rate by 2012 To reduce Leprosy prevalence rate – 0.43 per 10,000 by 2012 Cataract operations – increasing to 6 lakhs per annum by 2012 (AP). To reduce Malaria mortality rate – 60% by 2012 To reduce Filaria / Microfilaria rate – 80% by 2012. Important Interventions under NRHM TOP
1. Maternal Health Care Service :
Maternal Health Care Services are being provided to the pregnant woman by implementing the following schemes / interventions :
i) Women Health Volunteers (Accredited Social Health Activitist (ASHA):
This scheme is started during the year 2005-06 with an objective of providing the services of the health resource person very nearer to the community in rural areas. It is implemented in 21,916 villages (67561 habitations).
55,400 “Women Health Volunteers” have been identified in all habitations across the state through the Gram Panchayat Health Committees, to act as ‘health-resource persons of first resort. 51,900 WHVs are trained and positioned as on 31.3.2007. They provide services to the pregnant woman, infants and eligible couples. ii) FRUs strengthened with CEMONC services (Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric & Neonatal Care):
This scheme is started during the year 2005-06 with an objective of providing the services of life-saving emergency care to mothers and children (caesarian, neonatal care, etc.);
Every CEMONC centre is designed to have 4 obstetricians, 1 pediatrician, 1 anesthetist, blood bank or blood storage center; and additional budget for drugs & consumables per each case of delivery.
148 CEMONC Centers have been set up till now. About 59 obstetricians and 59 MBBS lady medical officers are positioned. iii) Blood Bank & Blood Storage Centres :
This scheme was started during the year 2005-06 with an objective to provide the blood to the caesarian surgery cases.
16 new blood banks and 89 blood storage centers are to be set up in Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (CEMONC) centres. 40 new blood storage centres are sanctioned during 2006-07.
The Indian Red Cross Society is appointed as the State Level Nodal Agency to set up Blood Banks and Blood Storages Centers. 16 new blood banks and 89 blood storage centers are to be operationalised shortly. iv) 24-hours MCH centre:
This scheme was started during the year 1997-98 with an objective of providing round the clock services for conducting normal deliveries, to identify the high risk pregnancy cases and to refer them to FRUs. 520 PHCs are functioning as 24 MCH Centres. 280 PHCs were converted as 24-hrs MCH centres during 2007-08. The no.of deliveries conducted during 2006-07 are 70,012. v) Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) :
This scheme was started during the year 2005-06 with an objective to encourage pregnant women for an institutional delivery in Government / Private Institution which contributes for the reduction of Maternal Mortality and Infant Mortality.
Under this scheme Rs.1000/- (Rs.700/- under JSY (GOI) + Rs.300/- under Sukhibhava (State) scheme) is being paid to rural BPL woman who under goes an institutional delivery. From 1st April 2006, JSY has been extended to BPL urban families also.
5,00,000 beneficiaries have been covered under JSY scheme during financial year 2006-07.
vi) Free Bus Passes :
This scheme was started during the year 2005-06 with an objective to provide free travel facility to the BPL rural pregnant women in APSRTC Buses for antenatal checkups in the nearest Government / Private hospital. 8 lakhs bus passes have been distributed to the beneficiaries during 2006-07. vii) Rural Emergency Health Transport Scheme :
This scheme was started during the year 2005-06 with an objective to provide transport to the pregnant women, infants, children and other health emergencies in rural areas to the nearest hospital to provide the emergency health care. One ambulance is provided for a population of about 1.25 to 1.5 lakh in the rural area. 122 ambulances are functioning in 4 districts i.e. Mahabubnagar, Nizamabad, Kurnool, Kadapa and tribal areas of 9 districts. The operationalization of the balance 310 ambulances has been entrusted to M/s Emergency Management and Research Institute which is recognized as a Nodal agency by Government. They have operationalized this scheme in 8 districts so far and complete operationalization in the remaining districts by the end of May 2007. All these ambulances are being utilized to the fullest by the rural population for all medical emergencies at free of cost.
2. Child Health Care Services
Child Health Care Services are being provided to the Infant and Children by implementing the following schemes / interventions :
Neo-natal intensive care units New Born Care kits New Born and Neo-natal care campaign
i) Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) :
This scheme was started during the year 2006-07 with an objective to provide emergency neonatal care services to new born and neonates to reduce Infant mortality rate and to improve the quality of pediatric care services in remote, interior, tribal areas & urban areas.
It is proposed to establish 160 NICUs in A.P. State (in 13 Teaching Hospitals, 23 Dist. Hospitals, 16 Area Hospitals and 108 CEMONC centers)
12 Pediatricians are positioned against 124 posts sanctioned. Procurement of equipment for NICUs is under process. Two Staff Nurses and two ANMs on contract basis in each unit are being positioned. Proposed to provide Drugs and Consumables to each unit. ii) New Born Care Kits :
This scheme was started during the year 2006-07 with an objective to prevent deaths from hypothermia and outside infections. Under this scheme, the kits are being supplied to low birth weight (<2000 grms) new born babies of SC/ST/BPL families, born in all government institutions. The Newborn Care Kit consists of 2 Baby Mattresses; 4 Baby Jacket; 3 Baby Caps; 3 pairs of Gloves; 12 Baby Diaper and 8 Baby Blankets. The Kit is sterile and would keep the baby warm and prevent death from hypothermia and outside infections. 52,000 new born care kits were procured and distributed to the beneficiaries during 2006-07. It is planned to procure 1,30,000 kits during 2007-08. iii) Newborn & Neonatal Care Campaign / Age at Marriage Campaign: This campaign was conducted with an objective to increase awareness on issues like age at marriage, to identify danger symptoms and signs in new born and neonatal infants. The campaign was conducted in 6 districts with high Infant Mortality Rate in 2005-06 and in 21 districts in 2006-07 3. Family Planning Insurance Scheme : TOPThis scheme was started during the year 2005 with an objective to provide insurance to sterilization acceptors. The details of the scheme are as follows: Sl.No. Issues covered Limit of indemnity 1 Death due to sterilization operation in Hospital or within 7 days from the date of discharge from the hospital Rs.2,00,000 2 Death occurring due to sterilization operation between 8 to 30 days from the date of discharge from the hospital Rs.50,000 3 Failure of sterilization operation (payable once only) Rs.25,000 4 Expenses for treatment of medical complication due to sterilization operation (within 60 days of operation) Actual subject to maximum of Rs.25,000 4. Urban Health Services : This scheme was started during the year 2000 with an objective to provide preventive, promotive and curative services to the people living in urban slum areas. 192 Urban Health centres are functioning in the state through NGOs with state government funds. Each urban health centre covers 15,000 population in slum area. Under RCH-II, 25 UHCs were established during 2005-06 in 9 cities/towns and during 2006-07 21 UHCs were established in another 9 cities/towns. 5. Tribal Health Services : The following additional initiatives are taken up to strengthen the health services in the tribal areas 8500 Community Health Volunteers are working in tribal areas. Initiatives under RCH-II from 2005-06 onwards: A package of RCH services have been introduced in the tribal areas (193 tribal PHCs) including shandy level RCH medical camps weekly once at every shandy. 3,500 shandy clinics were conducted during 2005-06 and 7,000 shandy clinics were conducted during 2006-07. The expenditure under this scheme is Rs.79,26,640/- 43 Emergency Health Transport vehicles are functioning in tribal areas to provide the transport to emergency cases at free of cost. 92 Mobile Medical Units are functioning in all the tribal areas to provide the services at the door step of the tribal people. Birth waiting homes: Tribal area birth waiting homes are being constructed to enable women from distant and interior habitations to reach the delivery care institution a couple of days before the expected date of delivery as to prevent the complications of arrival in late labour. 6. Preconception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PC&PNDT) : The Pre-Conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act 1994 and Rules 1996 are being implemented in Andhra Pradesh to prevent the Female foeticide and to improve the female sex ratio in the State. Under this Act - 2751 Medical Facilities (Scanning Centres) are registered in Andhra Pradesh as on 13.9.2006. 19 cases are filed so far in various courts for violation of PC PNDT Act. 7. Sub-Center Untied Funds The scheme was started during 2005-06. The Objective of this scheme is to provide funds at Gram Panchayat level to meet the requirements for maintenance of sanitation and public health at village level and to improve the facilities at the sub-centre level. An amount of Rs.10,000/- is being released to each sub-centre per annum and this amount will be deposited in a joint account to be operated by the Village Sarpanch and the ANM. 8. Untied funds for Maintenance of PHCs: \The scheme was started during 2006-07. The objectives of the scheme are To enable the PHCs to function more effectively By getting minor repairs done, To get the PHC compounds clean on a regular basis. To arrange for scientific bio-medical waste disposal To meet expenses for NRHM review with MPHA (M&F) and ASHAs To provide referral transportation in exceptional situations, etc. The budget provision per annum is Rs.90,000/- per PHC. The funds released during 2006-07 were Rs.1046.00 lakhs 9. Untied funds for Maintenance of CHCs: \ The scheme was started during 2006-07. The objectives of the scheme are To enable the CHCs to function more effectively By getting minor repairs done, To get the CHC compounds clean on a regular basis. To arrange for scientific bio-medical waste disposal To meet expenses for NRHM review with Fields Staff To provide referral transportation in exceptional situations, etc. 10. Hospital Development Societies (Rogi Kalyana Samithi) \This scheme was started during the year 2006-07. The broad objectives of RKS are; (i) Improve the institutions/hospitals, upgrade the equipment and modernize the health services; (ii) Ensure discipline in the institutions and supervise the staff; (iii) Undertake construction and expansion in the hospital buildings; (iv) Ensure optimal use of hospital land according to government guidelines; (v) Improve participation of the committees in the running of the institutions / hospitals; (vi) Ensure scientific disposal of hospital waste; (vii) Ensure proper training for doctors and staff; (viii) Ensure subsidized food, medicines and drinking water to the patients and their attendants; (ix) Ensure proper implementation of National Health programmes; and (x) Ensure proper use, timely maintenance and repair of institution / hospital equipment and machinery. Govt. of India under NRHM is proposed to provide one time Corpus Grant to HDS @ Rs.5.00 lakhs to each District Hospital and Rs.1.00 lakh to each AH/ CHC / PHCs. 1620 HDS’s have been constituted in all the District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Community Health Centres and Primary Health Centres. 11. Village Level Health and Sanitation Committees This scheme was started during the year 2006-07 with an objectives to ensure optimal use of health service in the village; improve participation of the village level health and sanitation committees in maintaining quality health services and sanitation; to prevent occurrence of epidemics in the villages. The Village Health and Sanitation Committees are formed with Panchayat Sarpanches as chairpersons, and ward members, Anganwadi Workers, ANMs, and Women Health Volunteers as members and MPHAs (M), and MPHAs (F) as
member conveners.


for more details on indiramma gruha log on to http://housing.cgg.gov.in/

for more details on rajiv gruhakalpa log on to http://housing.cgg.gov.in/

Schemes and Programmes Pavala Vaddi Interest subsidy scheme was started during the year 2004-05 with an objective of providing interest subsidy on the loans taken by the Self Help Groups. The scheme is applicable to all loans extended by banks on or after 1st July 2004, under SHG Bank Linkage Programme. The incentive will be in the form of reimbursement of interest whatever is above 3% interest irrespective of bank interest rates. The subsidy shall not include penal interest, liquidated damages etc., paid to the bank. An amount of Rs. 1000.00 lakhs is allocated in the budget and the amount has been released during the current year. During the year 2005- 06, an amount of Rs. 8900.00 lakhs is being proposed towards interest subsidy on the loans taken by SHGs under SHG Linkage programme.
For more information click on http://rd.ap.gov.in/
National Old Age Pension Scheme The government of India has the National Old Age Pension Scheme as one of the sub-schemes of National Social Assistance Program. The scheme has come in to existence with effect from 15th August 1995. It aims to provide social assistance to the poor people in a house-hold who is above the 65 years of age as old age pension.
Eligibility for NOAP Scheme The applicant should be 65 years of age or higher. The applicant must be a destitute in the sense of having little or no regular means of subsistence from own sources of income or through financial support from family members or other sources.
Rate of Assistance The amount of old age pension is Rs. 200/- per month.
Selection of the beneficiary Every eligible person may apply for the pension in the prescribed Form OAP-1 and submit the same through Gram Panchayat or Municipality as the case may be and obtain acknowledgement. Application forms can be obtained from local Mandal Parishad Office or Municipality at free of cost.
For more information click on http://rd.ap.gov.in/SHG(Self Help Group) Bank Linkage Self Help movement through savings has been taken up as a mass movement by women. There are about 5.79 lakh women SHGs in Andhra Pradesh covering nearly 74.58 lakh rural poor women. The SHGs are not only resorting but are also taking small loans out of the corpus available with the group. An amount of Rs. 2385.98 crores is mobilized as corpus among these groups. The state government has taken several initiatives to extend financial support to these groups which are mentioned hereunder.
Self sustaining movement The members of SHGs are poor with low or nil saving capacity, and who depend on moneylenders or private sources to meet their expenditure and other obligations. During the group meetings, the thrift amount is pooled and given as loans to members for utilization, production or investment purposes based on the priorities determined by the group. The group members keeping in view the interests and prosperity of the member take a collective decision regarding all matters. These groups play the role of a mid-wife or money lender.
Since it is members thrift that is given out as loans to one or two members at each meeting depending upon the priorities as set by the group, members exercise close supervision on utilization of loans. Peer pressure is exerted on members to continue savings to enable every member to have an opportunity to avail loans. Prompt repayment of loans is insisted by the remaining members to avail themselves loans of higher order. As a result, at any given point of time all members in a SHG will not be borrowers. Even if all of them are borrowers, their loans outstanding will not be equal. Several interesting features have been observed in the financial dynamics of groups where there is evidence in qualitative shift in loans portfolio in favour of productive purposes as against consumption loans availed earlier. So is the case with the size of loan.
Swarnajayanti Grama Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY) Poverty eradication through self help GroupsSwarnajayanthi Gram Sswarozgar Yojana Scheme is a holistic approach towards poverty eradication in rural India through creation of self-employment opportunities to the rural Swarozgaries. This scheme is implemented in the country through District Rural Development Agencies. The Centre and State fund this program in the ratio of 75:25. It is designed to help poor rural families cross the poverty line. This is achieved through providing income generating assets and inputs to the target groups through a package of assistance consisting of subsidy and bank loan.
Objectives SGSY came into existence in 1999-2000 duly merging the schemes of Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP), Training for Rural Youth under Self Employment (TRYSEM) Development of Women & Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA) and Supply of Improved Toolkits to Rural Artisans (SITRA).
The scheme aims to bring every assisted poor family above the poverty line by ensuring appreciably sustainable level of income over a period of time. This objective is to be achieved by organizing the rural poor in to Self Help Groups (SHG) through the process of social mobilization, their training and capacity building,and provision of income generating assets.
1. Training 2. Infrastructure 3. Revolving fund to SHGs 4. Subsidy for Economic Activity
However,based on the local requirement, the expenditure on different components of Training and Capacity Building, Revolving fund and subsidy for Economic activity may have to be prioritized.
Girl Child Protection Scheme (GCPS) The new Girl Child Protection Scheme with insurance coverage from 1-4-05 is issued vide G.O.Ms.No.16, Dt: 05-05-2005 Women Development, Child Welfare and Disabled Welfare (JJ) Department.
Objectives of the Scheme: -
To eliminate prejudice against the girl child through direct investment from the Government. To encourage enrolment of the girl child in school and to ensure her education at least up to the Intermediate level. To encourage girls to get married only after the age of 18 years (which is the prescribed statutory limit). To reduce school drop out rate among the girls. To encourage parents to adopt family planning norms with two girl children. To provide social and financial empowerment to the girl child. Eliminate all forms of discrimination against the girl child. Eliminate negative cultural attitudes and practices against girls. Promote and protect the rights of the girl child and increase awareness of her needs and potential. Eliminate discrimination against girls in education and provide skill development and training. Eliminate discrimination against girls in health and nutrition. Strengthen the role of the family in improving the status of the girl child. For more information click on http://anganwadi.ap.nic.in
INITIATIVES FOR WOMEN EMPOWERMENT Empowerment of women is the hall mark of the approach of the Government in its development initiatives (social, political and economic). The State Empowerment Policy for women aims at the following objectives:-
- Gender equality- Gender justice- Social security- Elimination of discrimination against women in all walks of life- Economic development and integration of women into main stream of economy.
As a token of state’s commitment to remove all barriers in the way of women’s participation in the main stream of development, the State Govt. declared 1997 as the year of ‘Gender Equality with Social Justice’. Steps have been taken to provide specific provisions for women towards equality in all fields, political, social, economic and cultural.
The Department is playing a conscious role in empowering of women by striving to enforce:
The reservation of 33 1/3rd Jobs for women in Govt. and public sector with carry forward policy. The 33 1/3rd of budget of all departments for developmental programmes for women. Implementation of Girl Child Protection Scheme. Opportunities to participate through mother’s committees and IGA groups. The year 2001 has celebrated as ‘Year of Women Empowerment and the year 2003 as the Year of Adolescent Girls’. For more information click on http://anganwadi.ap.nic.in
Major Schemes and Programs under Tribal Welfare Department
1. Direction and administration (2225-02-001-SH-01):
Headquarters Office:The headquarters office is headed by Commissioner, Tribal Welfare assisted by Joint Directors, Dy. Directors, Asst. Directors, Accounts Officer and other officers. The Commissioner is the chief controlling officer of the budget of the department. He approves the annual action plans, releases budget to all the unit offices, supervises the programs and reviews performance onaperiodical basis. Joint Director, Administration is the Vigilance Officer and also the Public Information Officer of the Department. The officers of the headquarters office are also appointed as liaison officers to districts offices/ITDAs for regular inspection and visits. The internal audit wing of the headquarters office takes up internal audit of the unit offices. Apart from the internal audit wing the services of Institute of Public Auditors (IPA), Hyderabad also being utilized for internal audit of the ITDAs.
District Offices (2225-02-001-SH-03): The district offices include (10) ITDAs, (2) MADA Project Offices, (23) District Tribal Welfare Offices, (65) Assistant Tribal Welfare Offices and Assistant Project Officer, Mahadevpur and Mahabubabad. Government have also sanctioned (8) Special Deputy Collectors for Tribal Welfare to enforce the protective regulations, especially A Scheduled Areas Land Transfer Regulations, 1959 as amended by 1970, 1971 and 1978. In scheduled areas under LTR so far (73,359) cases involving an extent of (3, 27,036) Acs., have been detected. Out of them (71,769) cases were disposed off involving an extent of (3, 20,494) Acs. Out them (34,346) cases were decided in favor of STs covering an area of (1, 37,097) Acs. Out of the extent, an area of (1,19,147) Acs. was restored to tribals in (29,769) cases.
TW Engineering Department Headquarters Office and other Offices (2225-02-MH-001-SH-04 and SH-05): Tribal Welfare Engineering wing was created in 1984 for executing road works, educational buildings and drinking water works and other works as entrusted by Government from time to time in tribal areas. The Tribal Welfare Engineering Department consists of (1) Chief Engineer and (1) QC division at State level and (3) Superintendent Engineers at circle level and (9) Executive Engineers at divisional level supported by sub-divisional engineers and section officers. The execution of works is taken up as per G.O.Ms.No.30, dated 17-02-1994, G.O.Ms.No.90, dated 21-08-1998 and G.O.Ms.No.65,dated 03-07-1999.
Educational Institutions (2225-02-MH-277-SH-05): The major program under the Department is maintenance of Educational Institutions. The components of the scheme are briefly discussed hereunder
Hostels: There are (441) hostels (332 for Boys and 109 for Girls) with a strength of (75,258) boarders. Accommodation and boarding are provided to the children at free of cost. Other material required for the children and also for the institution are being provided as per the pattern prescribed under G.O.Ms.No.75, SW (TW.Bud.I) Department, dated 19-07-1999.
Integrated Hostels:From 2006-07 onwards Government of Andhra Pradesh has started Integrated hostels. Out of (120) hostels sanctioned during 2006-07 (14) hostels have been entrusted to Tribal Welfare for management. During 2007-08 it is proposed to start (240) hostels out of which (28) will be entrusted to Tribal Welfare for management. Each of the Integrated Welfare Hostel Complexes will provide accommodation for (400) boarders belonging to SC, ST & BC. For each complex buildings and other amenities arebeing provided adequately.
Ashram Schools:There are (599) ashram schools (451 for Boys and 148 for Girls) functioning in the tribal concentrated areas. The schools provide both school and hostel under the same roof. There are (99) ashram primary schools, (209) Ashram Upper Primary Schools, (291) Ashram High Schools functioning providing schooling and hostelling to (1,40,611) children. During 2007-08 it is proposed to provide teachers to all the upgraded Upper Primary Schools and High Schools.
Post Matric Hostels:(65) hostels have been opened to facilitate ST college students with free accommodation and the utility charges are borne by the Department. It is proposed to open (50) more hostels during current year. The students staying in these hostels receive post matric scholarships @ Rs.525/- per month.
TW Primary Schools:There are (4,317) Tribal Welfare Primary Schools (earlier known as GVVKs) functioning in the tribal areas. Out of them (940) schools are being run under this scheme and remaining are funded by School Education Department.
Coaching and Allied:Coaching is provided to tribal children for competitive examinations through (5) Pre-Examination Training Centers (PETCs). Part of the coaching cost is provided by Government of India under ‘Coaching and Allied’ Scheme.
Post Matric Scholarships (2225-02-MH-277-SH-08):The objective of the scheme is to provide scholarships to ST students studying postmatriculation or post-secondary stage to enable them to complete their education and also to provide books to ST students studying Professional Courses under Book Banks Scheme. The sanction and disbursement of post matric scholarships to ST students is as per the procedure laid down under G.O.Ms.No.90, SW (Edn.II) Department, dated 30-07-2002. Since 2007-08 is the beginning of the XI Five Year Plan, the entire expenditure on the scheme at the end of X Five Year Plan (2006-07) has become the committed liability of State Government. The allocations during 2007-08 have been proposed accordingly.
Pre Matric Scholarships (2225-02-MH-277-SH-010):Under pre matric scholarships bright ST children are identified and provided opportunity to receive quality education in reputed institutions and institutions of excellence. The various components are as follows:
Best Available Schools:Bright children among STs are selected by District Selection Committee under the Chairmanship of Collector in each district and the selected ST children are being admitted in the Best Available Schools. During 2001-02, Governmenthave issued revised guidelines vide G.O.Ms.No.70, Social Welfare (TW.Edn.II)Department, dated 1-8-2001. Government have decided that from 2006-07 whatever the additional seats are going to be sanctioned shall be earmarked 100% for PTGs.
Hyderabad Public Schools:The Department is sponsoring ST children for admission into Hyderabad Public Schools, Begumpet and Ramantapur and R.K. Vidyalaya, Sainkpuri, as per G.O.Ms.No.421, Education (SW) Department, dated 25-02-1966. Apart from thesponsored candidates, Department is also sanctioning scholarship to all eligible ST candidates admitted in the Hyderabad Public Schools as per G.O.Rt.No.329, SW (Q) Dept., dated 21-05-1993. The Department is also maintaining (2) hostels for the ST dayscholars studying in the Public schools.
English Medium Schools for STs:Government have started (4) English Medium Residential Schools for Boys during 2002-03 at Hyderabad, Warangal, Tirupathi and Visakhapatnam.
Schools of Excellence:Government have started (3) Schools of Excellence at Parvathipuram, Bhadrachalam and Srisailam during 2005-06 with a long term objective of preparing the students for IIT and competitive exams. During 2007-08 it is proposed to re-designate the existing (4) English medium schools also as Schools of Excellence and to start another (4) Schools of Excellence for PTGs to enable them to get qualified to compete for admission into professional courses.
College of Teacher Education (TW), Bhadrachalam (2225-02-MH-277-SH-13):
A college of teacher education (TW) was started at Bhadrachalam to provide B.Ed. training to the STs of Andhra Pradesh in 2000. The college has an intake capacity of (100) per year and the training is being imparted as per NCTE norms. The college is also providing distance mode training to in-service teachers. This College is also functoning as a study centre of IGNOU for B.Ed courses through distance mode.
Residential Schools for tribals (2225-02-MH-277-SH-12) and Construction of buildings for School Complexes (4225-02-MH-277-SH-75):With a view to impart quality education to ST students, Government is maintaining (84) residential institutions with a strength of (52,404). A separate Society in the name of AP TW Residential Educational Institutions Society (Gurukulam) was established in 1999 for managing these institutions. Out of (84) institutions (52) are for boys and (26) for girls and (6) Co-ed. There are (10) institutions exclusively for PTGs and (2) for Yanadis. Out of (84) institutions (38) are having Jr. College sections and Government have permitted to bifurcate them in 2006-07. Apart from this (6) full fledged Jr. Colleges are functioning. Gurukulam is also managing (41) Educational Complexes in female low literacy pockets (Mini-Gurukulams) sanctioned by Government of India and (40) Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidayalayas (KGBVs) sanctioned by MHRD, Government of India for ST drop-out girls. The institutions have achieved (88.38%) pass in SSC and (64.85%) in Intermediate in 2006. Gurukulam is also providing special attention towards scouting, computer education, yoga, physical education, cultural activities and EAMCET coaching. Gurukulam is now proposing to intensify monitoring on the quality of curricular practice by taking up panel inspections of academic practice every quarter and also to strengthencareer guidance counseling. It is also proposed to provide adequate infrastructure to all the residential institutions during 2007-08.
Residential Schools for Girls in RIAD areas (2225-02-MH-277- SH-13) and Construction of Residential Jr. Colleges for Girls in RIAD areas (4225-02-MH-277- SH-79):
This is a new scheme intended to provide quality education to ST girl students through residential junior colleges in the uncovered areas by opening (6) Residential Jr. Colleges at P.Konalavalasa, Chintapalli, Rampachodavaram, Eturunagaram, Utnoor and Mannanur and also to provide buildings for all the proposed (6) institutions to accommodate (960)girls in 1st year Intermediate.
Hostel Buildings for (8) Degree Colleges in RIAD areas (4225-02-MH-277-GH-11-SH-77):
The scheme is intended to provide hostel buildings for post-matric ST students studying in (8) degree colleges in the RIAD areas. Each degree college will have (1) boys hostels and (1) girls hostel. Children admitted in the hostels will receive maintenance charges @ of Rs.525/- p.m. under post matric scholarships.
Construction of High Schools in RIAD areas (4225-02-MH-277-GH-07-SH-74):
The scheme is intended to provide additional accommodation to high schools especially TW Girls Ashram High Schools located in the RIAD areas.
Buildings for Educational Institutions (4225-02-MH-277-GH-06-SH-74) and (4225-02-MH-277-GH-10-SH-74):
The objective of the scheme is construction of buildings (new/additional accommodation) to Integrated Hostels, Post Matric Hostels and Ashram Schools which are in private accommodation. The funding is shared by Government of India on 50:50 basis.
Public Works (12th Finance Commission Grants) (2059-01-MH-053-SH-64):
The objective of the scheme is to provide annual maintenance support to hostel buildings.
Financial assistance to PSUs (2225-02-MH-190-SH-05 and GH-10-SH-04 and GH-11-SH-04 and 6225-02-MH-190-GH-11-SH-08):
There are (4) PSUs functioning under the control of Tribal Welfare Department. Their activities are explained briefly hereunder:
Girijan Co-operative Corporation (GCC), started in 1956, has its headquarters at Visakhapatnam and undertakes procurement of minor forest produce (MFP) and agriculture produce from tribals at remunerative prices, undertakes public distribution in remote tribal areas, provides seasonal agricultural credit to ST farmers. The GCC is having (1,408) employees with a network of (1) regional office, (10) divisional offices, (43) GPCMS and (839) DR depots. During 2005-06 the turnover of the Corporation was Rs.194.49 cr. During 2006-07 (upto 31-12-2006) the turnover is Rs.153.44 cr. The GCC in recent years has focused on (10) major MFP species and expanded retail marketing aggressively from a sale of Rs.1.50 cr. in 2000-01 to Rs.8.41 cr. in 2005-06. GCC is alsofocusing on training to tribals, regeneration of NTFP, R&D initiatives and exporting.
For more information click on www.aptribes.gov.in
Facilitate increased access and utilization of quality health services by all Forge a partnership between the Central, State and the local governments. Set up a platform for involving the Panchayati Raj Institutions and community in the management of primary health care programs and infrastructure. Establish a mechanism to provide flexibility to the States and the community to promote local initiatives. Develop a framework for promoting inter-sectoral convergence for promotive and preventive health care. 2. Objectives of the Mission
Reduction of Infant Mortality Rate, Maternal Mortality Rate, and Total Fertility Rate. Access to integrated comprehensive primary health care. Prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases, including locally endemic diseases. Achieve population stabilization, gender and demographic balance. Revitalize local health traditions and mainstreaming AYUSH Promotion of healthy life styles. 3. Expected outcomes from the Mission
Indicator NRHM by 2012 Present status AP target India AP IMR (per 1000 live births) 30 57* 53* 30 MMR (per 1,00,000 live births) 100 466** 341** 100 TFR (children per women) 2.1 2.7* 1.8* 1.5
* NFHS-III (2005-06) ** IIHFW Annual report (2002-03)
Tuberculosis DOTS services – 85% cure rate by 2012 To reduce Leprosy prevalence rate – 0.43 per 10,000 by 2012 Cataract operations – increasing to 6 lakhs per annum by 2012 (AP). To reduce Malaria mortality rate – 60% by 2012 To reduce Filaria / Microfilaria rate – 80% by 2012. Important Interventions under NRHM TOP
1. Maternal Health Care Service :
Maternal Health Care Services are being provided to the pregnant woman by implementing the following schemes / interventions :
i) Women Health Volunteers (Accredited Social Health Activitist (ASHA):
This scheme is started during the year 2005-06 with an objective of providing the services of the health resource person very nearer to the community in rural areas. It is implemented in 21,916 villages (67561 habitations).
55,400 “Women Health Volunteers” have been identified in all habitations across the state through the Gram Panchayat Health Committees, to act as ‘health-resource persons of first resort. 51,900 WHVs are trained and positioned as on 31.3.2007. They provide services to the pregnant woman, infants and eligible couples. ii) FRUs strengthened with CEMONC services (Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric & Neonatal Care):
This scheme is started during the year 2005-06 with an objective of providing the services of life-saving emergency care to mothers and children (caesarian, neonatal care, etc.);
Every CEMONC centre is designed to have 4 obstetricians, 1 pediatrician, 1 anesthetist, blood bank or blood storage center; and additional budget for drugs & consumables per each case of delivery.
148 CEMONC Centers have been set up till now. About 59 obstetricians and 59 MBBS lady medical officers are positioned. iii) Blood Bank & Blood Storage Centres :
This scheme was started during the year 2005-06 with an objective to provide the blood to the caesarian surgery cases.
16 new blood banks and 89 blood storage centers are to be set up in Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (CEMONC) centres. 40 new blood storage centres are sanctioned during 2006-07.
The Indian Red Cross Society is appointed as the State Level Nodal Agency to set up Blood Banks and Blood Storages Centers. 16 new blood banks and 89 blood storage centers are to be operationalised shortly. iv) 24-hours MCH centre:
This scheme was started during the year 1997-98 with an objective of providing round the clock services for conducting normal deliveries, to identify the high risk pregnancy cases and to refer them to FRUs. 520 PHCs are functioning as 24 MCH Centres. 280 PHCs were converted as 24-hrs MCH centres during 2007-08. The no.of deliveries conducted during 2006-07 are 70,012. v) Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) :
This scheme was started during the year 2005-06 with an objective to encourage pregnant women for an institutional delivery in Government / Private Institution which contributes for the reduction of Maternal Mortality and Infant Mortality.
Under this scheme Rs.1000/- (Rs.700/- under JSY (GOI) + Rs.300/- under Sukhibhava (State) scheme) is being paid to rural BPL woman who under goes an institutional delivery. From 1st April 2006, JSY has been extended to BPL urban families also.
5,00,000 beneficiaries have been covered under JSY scheme during financial year 2006-07.
vi) Free Bus Passes :
This scheme was started during the year 2005-06 with an objective to provide free travel facility to the BPL rural pregnant women in APSRTC Buses for antenatal checkups in the nearest Government / Private hospital. 8 lakhs bus passes have been distributed to the beneficiaries during 2006-07. vii) Rural Emergency Health Transport Scheme :
This scheme was started during the year 2005-06 with an objective to provide transport to the pregnant women, infants, children and other health emergencies in rural areas to the nearest hospital to provide the emergency health care. One ambulance is provided for a population of about 1.25 to 1.5 lakh in the rural area. 122 ambulances are functioning in 4 districts i.e. Mahabubnagar, Nizamabad, Kurnool, Kadapa and tribal areas of 9 districts. The operationalization of the balance 310 ambulances has been entrusted to M/s Emergency Management and Research Institute which is recognized as a Nodal agency by Government. They have operationalized this scheme in 8 districts so far and complete operationalization in the remaining districts by the end of May 2007. All these ambulances are being utilized to the fullest by the rural population for all medical emergencies at free of cost.
2. Child Health Care Services
Child Health Care Services are being provided to the Infant and Children by implementing the following schemes / interventions :
Neo-natal intensive care units New Born Care kits New Born and Neo-natal care campaign
i) Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) :
This scheme was started during the year 2006-07 with an objective to provide emergency neonatal care services to new born and neonates to reduce Infant mortality rate and to improve the quality of pediatric care services in remote, interior, tribal areas & urban areas.
It is proposed to establish 160 NICUs in A.P. State (in 13 Teaching Hospitals, 23 Dist. Hospitals, 16 Area Hospitals and 108 CEMONC centers)
12 Pediatricians are positioned against 124 posts sanctioned. Procurement of equipment for NICUs is under process. Two Staff Nurses and two ANMs on contract basis in each unit are being positioned. Proposed to provide Drugs and Consumables to each unit. ii) New Born Care Kits :
This scheme was started during the year 2006-07 with an objective to prevent deaths from hypothermia and outside infections. Under this scheme, the kits are being supplied to low birth weight (<2000 grms) new born babies of SC/ST/BPL families, born in all government institutions. The Newborn Care Kit consists of 2 Baby Mattresses; 4 Baby Jacket; 3 Baby Caps; 3 pairs of Gloves; 12 Baby Diaper and 8 Baby Blankets. The Kit is sterile and would keep the baby warm and prevent death from hypothermia and outside infections. 52,000 new born care kits were procured and distributed to the beneficiaries during 2006-07. It is planned to procure 1,30,000 kits during 2007-08. iii) Newborn & Neonatal Care Campaign / Age at Marriage Campaign: This campaign was conducted with an objective to increase awareness on issues like age at marriage, to identify danger symptoms and signs in new born and neonatal infants. The campaign was conducted in 6 districts with high Infant Mortality Rate in 2005-06 and in 21 districts in 2006-07 3. Family Planning Insurance Scheme : TOPThis scheme was started during the year 2005 with an objective to provide insurance to sterilization acceptors. The details of the scheme are as follows: Sl.No. Issues covered Limit of indemnity 1 Death due to sterilization operation in Hospital or within 7 days from the date of discharge from the hospital Rs.2,00,000 2 Death occurring due to sterilization operation between 8 to 30 days from the date of discharge from the hospital Rs.50,000 3 Failure of sterilization operation (payable once only) Rs.25,000 4 Expenses for treatment of medical complication due to sterilization operation (within 60 days of operation) Actual subject to maximum of Rs.25,000 4. Urban Health Services : This scheme was started during the year 2000 with an objective to provide preventive, promotive and curative services to the people living in urban slum areas. 192 Urban Health centres are functioning in the state through NGOs with state government funds. Each urban health centre covers 15,000 population in slum area. Under RCH-II, 25 UHCs were established during 2005-06 in 9 cities/towns and during 2006-07 21 UHCs were established in another 9 cities/towns. 5. Tribal Health Services : The following additional initiatives are taken up to strengthen the health services in the tribal areas 8500 Community Health Volunteers are working in tribal areas. Initiatives under RCH-II from 2005-06 onwards: A package of RCH services have been introduced in the tribal areas (193 tribal PHCs) including shandy level RCH medical camps weekly once at every shandy. 3,500 shandy clinics were conducted during 2005-06 and 7,000 shandy clinics were conducted during 2006-07. The expenditure under this scheme is Rs.79,26,640/- 43 Emergency Health Transport vehicles are functioning in tribal areas to provide the transport to emergency cases at free of cost. 92 Mobile Medical Units are functioning in all the tribal areas to provide the services at the door step of the tribal people. Birth waiting homes: Tribal area birth waiting homes are being constructed to enable women from distant and interior habitations to reach the delivery care institution a couple of days before the expected date of delivery as to prevent the complications of arrival in late labour. 6. Preconception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PC&PNDT) : The Pre-Conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act 1994 and Rules 1996 are being implemented in Andhra Pradesh to prevent the Female foeticide and to improve the female sex ratio in the State. Under this Act - 2751 Medical Facilities (Scanning Centres) are registered in Andhra Pradesh as on 13.9.2006. 19 cases are filed so far in various courts for violation of PC PNDT Act. 7. Sub-Center Untied Funds The scheme was started during 2005-06. The Objective of this scheme is to provide funds at Gram Panchayat level to meet the requirements for maintenance of sanitation and public health at village level and to improve the facilities at the sub-centre level. An amount of Rs.10,000/- is being released to each sub-centre per annum and this amount will be deposited in a joint account to be operated by the Village Sarpanch and the ANM. 8. Untied funds for Maintenance of PHCs: \The scheme was started during 2006-07. The objectives of the scheme are To enable the PHCs to function more effectively By getting minor repairs done, To get the PHC compounds clean on a regular basis. To arrange for scientific bio-medical waste disposal To meet expenses for NRHM review with MPHA (M&F) and ASHAs To provide referral transportation in exceptional situations, etc. The budget provision per annum is Rs.90,000/- per PHC. The funds released during 2006-07 were Rs.1046.00 lakhs 9. Untied funds for Maintenance of CHCs: \ The scheme was started during 2006-07. The objectives of the scheme are To enable the CHCs to function more effectively By getting minor repairs done, To get the CHC compounds clean on a regular basis. To arrange for scientific bio-medical waste disposal To meet expenses for NRHM review with Fields Staff To provide referral transportation in exceptional situations, etc. 10. Hospital Development Societies (Rogi Kalyana Samithi) \This scheme was started during the year 2006-07. The broad objectives of RKS are; (i) Improve the institutions/hospitals, upgrade the equipment and modernize the health services; (ii) Ensure discipline in the institutions and supervise the staff; (iii) Undertake construction and expansion in the hospital buildings; (iv) Ensure optimal use of hospital land according to government guidelines; (v) Improve participation of the committees in the running of the institutions / hospitals; (vi) Ensure scientific disposal of hospital waste; (vii) Ensure proper training for doctors and staff; (viii) Ensure subsidized food, medicines and drinking water to the patients and their attendants; (ix) Ensure proper implementation of National Health programmes; and (x) Ensure proper use, timely maintenance and repair of institution / hospital equipment and machinery. Govt. of India under NRHM is proposed to provide one time Corpus Grant to HDS @ Rs.5.00 lakhs to each District Hospital and Rs.1.00 lakh to each AH/ CHC / PHCs. 1620 HDS’s have been constituted in all the District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Community Health Centres and Primary Health Centres. 11. Village Level Health and Sanitation Committees This scheme was started during the year 2006-07 with an objectives to ensure optimal use of health service in the village; improve participation of the village level health and sanitation committees in maintaining quality health services and sanitation; to prevent occurrence of epidemics in the villages. The Village Health and Sanitation Committees are formed with Panchayat Sarpanches as chairpersons, and ward members, Anganwadi Workers, ANMs, and Women Health Volunteers as members and MPHAs (M), and MPHAs (F) as