Vital statistics of last 24 hours
Medical Camps 54
PeopleScreened 7059
Out Patients 937
In Patients 707
Preauthorizations 803
Surgeries/Therapies 300
Amount Claimed Rs. 7798900
At a Glance ( Since April 1st 2007) Medical Camps 6650
PeopleScreened 1310059
Out Patients 182672
In Patients 188455
Preauthorizations 175532
Surgeries/Therapies 162016
Amount Claimed 578.11 crores
Medical Camps 54
PeopleScreened 7059
Out Patients 937
In Patients 707
Preauthorizations 803
Surgeries/Therapies 300
Amount Claimed Rs. 7798900
At a Glance ( Since April 1st 2007) Medical Camps 6650
PeopleScreened 1310059
Out Patients 182672
In Patients 188455
Preauthorizations 175532
Surgeries/Therapies 162016
Amount Claimed 578.11 crores
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